In addition to expanding the capacity of the factory from time to time, the Management has always been keen to adopt the latest technologies to keep pace with the changing times. More so, the Management has also been adopting modern Management practices.
About the equipment/machinery, we have a harmonious blend of old and new machinery. Some pieces of equipment installed way back in 1933 are still working in tandem with the latest equipments. Energy-saving devices have been installed to minimize energy consumption per unit of Sugar produced.

In the year 1999, The Saraswati Sugar Mills changed the process of manufacturing Sugar from Double Carbonation Double Sulphitation to Double Sulphitation. The new process is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective. Its solid waste i.e., Press Mud is used as manure in the agriculture fields as well as for Bio -CNG.
SSM L has also set up a 160 KLPD Distillery with Slop-Fired Boiler and 5.63 MW Cogeneration Power Plant in December 2021.